MARION Intimate Wipes Delicate Women Body Hygiene 10pcs



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MARION Intimate wipes, 10pcs pack

Intimate wipes provide long-lasting feeling of freshness and purity of intimate body parts. Gently scented wipes are soaked in a special formula containing lactic acid, which speeds up the renewal of the epidermis and helps to maintain the physiological pH of the intimate sphere.

Delicate intimate wipes with prebiotic developed specifically for women with sensitive skin, prone to allergies, for women in pregnancy and after childbirth. Wipes nourish, refresh and cleanse the intimate space, protecting the skin from drying out. Prebiotic and lactic acid helps maintain the proper pH of the intimate area, stimulate the development of bacterial flora, preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The natural chamomile extract calms and sooths irritated skin.

Natural calendula extract protects against infections, acts soothing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory.

Gently remove the adhesive sticker protecting wipes from drying out. Pull out a wipes from the pack and wipe your intimate body parts.